Since varicose veins cannot be undone without medical intervention, prevention is just as important as treatment. Here's how to stop them in their tracks.
25 juin 2015
Since varicose veins cannot be undone without medical intervention, prevention is just as important as treatment. Here's how to stop them in their tracks.
A little old-fashioned advice can at least help keep your varicose veins from getting any worse. Those swollen, darkened veins in your legs can be traced to the faulty functioning of your veins' valves, which causes blood in your legs to accumulate.
Home remedies
1. Direct a cold stream of water (with the shower head removed) along the outside of the right leg from the back of the foot to a hand's breadth above the knee. Hold it there for 10 seconds.
2. Move the stream downward on the inside of your leg.
3. Repeat the process with your left leg.
4. Finally, briefly rinse the soles of your feet.
5. Dry off and put on warm wool socks. Rest for 20 minutes.
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