If you have a soft spot for the beautiful flowering plants, Fuchsias, the following 3 steps will help you decide which types you’d like to breed and how to care for them successfully.
9 octobre 2015
If you have a soft spot for the beautiful flowering plants, Fuchsias, the following 3 steps will help you decide which types you’d like to breed and how to care for them successfully.
Perhaps because of their delicate appearance, Fuchsias have an unfair reputation of being fussily exotic. In fact, whether you like the compact types in hanging baskets or upright plants in pots or beds, Fuchsias are very easy to grow.
Fuchsia flowers come in double or single forms. The flower colour range includes fuchsia, of course, along with white, pink, purple and salmon, with two colours commonly represented in one flower. Others boast leaves variegated with white, green and blush pink, and purple-and-red blossoms.
If you live in the Vancouver Island area, where there are mild-winter climates, you can grow Fuchsias outdoors year-round. But you’re in luck elsewhere too. In good weather you can grow them as container-grown annuals and take them indoors during winter.
If you want a ready-grown plant, you can purchase beautiful Fuchsias in full flower, or mail order small, starter plants.
You can also start your own plants by taking stem cuttings from mature plants when new growth begins in early spring. Follow these steps:
Take 10-centimetre stem cuttings, remove the bottom set of leaves and "plant" the cuttings up to the first set of leaves in a pot of damp sand.
Set the pot in a warm, sunny window and keep the sand moist until the cuttings root in two to three weeks.
After this, set them into a container of potting soil.
If you provide the right environment, Fuchsias nearly take care of themselves. Keep in mind the following:
These stunning flowering plants come in a range of varieties and thrive if you care for them properly. Follow these 3 steps for beautiful Fuchsias that will last for many seasons.
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